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Impulse-Adjuster at German Village Chiropractors

Safe & Comfortable Computer-Assisted Adjusting

Impulse adjustment on patientGerman Village Chiropractors patients enjoy the benefits of advanced safe and comfortable computer-assisted adjusting. Developed by Sigma Instruments, a leading manufacturer of medical equipment, there is no popping, or twisting of sensitive spinal joints, just gentle, soothing impulses of energy. Dr. Richard Thompson has been a leader in the use of this amazing medical technology and chiropractic adjustment in Columbus.

Accurate Analysis & Evaluation

Sigma Instruments adjusting technology uses “resonance-energy”, gentle, safe, soothing impulses of energy to re-align and restore mobility to problem areas in your spine. This amazing FDA-cleared technology gives us the ability to quickly, safely and accurately locate and treat problem areas in your spine that may be adversely affecting your health. The spinal column really is your body’s lifeline. It protects the spinal cord and nerves that connect the brain with the body. This vital link must be free from interference, stress and pressure.

This amazing technology allows us to care for children to seniors, pregnant women and even patients with cardiac pacemakers.

Re-Analysis & Evaluation

Immediate results and feedback. With Sigma-technology we can re-evaluate the problem areas in your spine after each adjustment. No guess-work, just scientifically verifiable results you can see as well as feel.

Start Today

Contact us today to get started with care.

Impulse-Adjuster Columbus, German Village, Ironton OH | (614) 224-2225